
Publications in literary magazines


  • ‘De liefde en zo veel meer’: translation from Russian to Dutch of a novel by Daniil Granin (fragment), Tijdschrift voor Slavische Literatuur (Magazine for Slavonic Literature) (TSL) N° 83, December 2019.
  • ‘Sprookje over iedereen op de wereld’: translation from Russian to Dutch of a tale by Boris Zakhoder, TSL 82, June 2019.
  • ‘Straatvegers’: translation from English of a short story (‘Street Sweepers’) of a short story by Saah Millimono, Terras, November 2018
  • ‘Mankepoot’, ‘De verdiepingen van het bos’, ‘Een kip op vier palen’ and ‘De beer’: translation from Russian to Dutch of four stories by Mikhail Prishvin, TSL 80, October 2018.


  • ‘Narijpen’: column for Filter, 8 February 2019 (column)
  • ‘Vertaallust’: article in Filter, Tijdschrift over Vertalen (Magazine about translation), December 2018

About me

Dear visitor,

I am not a big fan of quotes, but now and then I see one that really stays in my memory; this one, for example :

‘Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. Then go ahead and do it, because what the world needs, Is people who have come alive.’

Howard Thurman (1899 – 1981), an Afro-American author, philosopher, theologian and human rights activist tells us not to wonder what exactly is needed in the world, but to be driven by the things we get very enthusiastic about. ‘Because,’ he says, ‘that’s what the world needs: people who are really passionate about what they do!’

These words stick to me because I perfectly agree with them, and what is even more: I am lucky to have found this passion. To work with people and languages every day is a gift. I’m passionate about both and they will always be a source of inspiration to me.

I’ll be happy to answer any language or translation questions.

I hope to see you soon,


Feel free to contact me for any other question.